Hyundai Mobis introduces 'complete business unit system'...responding to preemptive response of future cars
Hyundai Mobis introduces 'complete business unit system'...responding to preemptive response of future cars
  • 박상인 기자
  • 승인 2020.05.28 10:37
  • 최종수정 2020.05.28 10:37
  • 댓글 0
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Hyundai Mobis Institute of Technology [Photo = Hyundai Mobis Provides]

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Sang-In] 

Hyundai Mobis will reorganize its business unit system by product and reduce the decision-making stage.

Hyundai Mobis announced on the 27th that it will shift its organization to the BU/sector system from June.

The purpose of this reorganization is to preemptively prepare for changes in the future car industry topography represented by rapidly changing management environment, autonomous driving and electricization. For quick decision making, we also slim up the organization to reduce the decision structure of up to 7 steps to 3 ~ 4.

Hyundai Mobis will reorganize its organization into six divisions (BU) and 10 divisions.

The six divisions (BUs), the top organization by product, will have decision-making authority and operational ownership of business by product, including battlefield, chassis safety, module, electricization, lamps and service parts.

In addition, 10 divisions will be established to provide support for achieving the performance of each division (BU) and to play a role of corporate coordination. It is divided into planning and management support, production, purchase, finance, quality, R & D, and each division adjusts the inefficiency of the company.

It boldly reduces the organizational class for quick decision making. In order for the business division to successfully settle down by product, it is necessary to establish a horizontally friendly organizational culture among members as well as unnecessary decision reduction.

In order to establish a decision-making system of three to four levels throughout the company, the organization of the middle stage such as the department and the research institute is abolished. In particular, R&D organizations are reorganized into BU-lab-sector-cell, which are different from the existing organizational structure, for the organization of product units along with the reduction of decision making stages.

Reporter Park Sang-In

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