LS, target price has been lowered... Although the share price has fallen, earnings outlook for this year and next year is good (Kiwoom Securities)
LS, target price has been lowered... Although the share price has fallen, earnings outlook for this year and next year is good (Kiwoom Securities)
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.12.03 09:56
  • 최종수정 2021.12.03 09:08
  • 댓글 0
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LS's target price has been lowered. The target stock price has been adjusted in consideration of the recent fall in stock prices.

However, the outlook for this year's and next year's earnings was not bad.

Kiwoom Securities lowered its target stock price of LS, the holding company of LS Group, from 95,000 won to 80,000 won on the 3rd. The investment opinion remained 'buy'.

Kiwoom Securities said, "We adjusted our target stock price as LS shares fell sharply due to recent market conditions," but predicted, "This year's and next year's earnings will be good.".

Kiwoom Securities explained, "LS is expected to achieve its highest operating profit this year and make this year's operating profit next year.".

LS Cable is expected to continue to grow mainly on underwater cables through strong orders related to offshore wind power and expansion of production lines.

LS is expected to generate 12.8961 trillion won in consolidated sales and 616.7 billion won in operating profit in 2021. Sales are up 23.5% and operating profit is up 48.7% from 2020.

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon

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