Prosecution, search and seizure of Hyundai Heavy Industries ... Charge of obstructing the FTC's investigation
Prosecution, search and seizure of Hyundai Heavy Industries ... Charge of obstructing the FTC's investigation
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.08.17 10:51
  • 최종수정 2021.08.17 10:22
  • 댓글 0
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울산 현대중공업.(사진=인포스탁데일리DB)
울산 현대중공업.(사진=인포스탁데일리DB)

It was belatedly reported that the prosecution conducted a forced investigation into Hyundai Heavy Industries, which interfered with its work by destroying evidence while under investigation by the Fair Trade Commission.

According to related industries on the 17th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors'Office's Fair Trade Investigation Division (chief prosecutor Ko Jin-won) recently raided Ulsan Hyundai Heavy Industries and is analyzing internal documents.

The raid came after civic groups filed a complaint with the prosecution against four executives and employees, including Hyundai Heavy Industries CEO, on charges of destroying evidence.

Earlier, when Hyundai Heavy Industries entrusted some 48,000 ship and marine plant manufacturing operations to about 200 in-house subcontractors between 2014 and 2018, the Fair Trade Commission imposed a fine of 20.8 billion won at the end of 2019 and filed a complaint with the prosecution.

The prosecution will investigate the Fair Trade Commission and civic group charges together and set the level of criminal punishment for those involved in the case. 

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon

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