Seoul Semiconductor, off to a good start... Target increase by 8% (Kiwoom Securities)
Seoul Semiconductor, off to a good start... Target increase by 8% (Kiwoom Securities)
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.04.16 14:02
  • 최종수정 2021.04.16 13:39
  • 댓글 0
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서울반도체 본사 전경.(사진=서울반도체)
서울반도체 본사 전경.(사진=서울반도체)

Kiwoom Securities raised its investment opinion on Seoul Semiconductor to 'Buy' and raised the target price to 25,000 won by 8% from the previous target of 23,000 won.

The securities firm expected, "Seoul Semiconductor's operating profit to meet market expectations of 19.2 billion won (+221% year-on-year) in the first quarter. Wicop-oriented product mixes have improved as auto lamp sales have expanded amid strong TV demand. Profit contributions are expanding as Vietnamese production lines are stabilizing.

"The LED industry, which has suffered oversupply for many years, has also changed rapidly due to deferred demands and the hiring of mini-LEDs such as laptops, tablets and TVs, and there have been attempts by each company to raise the price of LED chips by 5 to 10% in the first quarter," the securities said. "In the second quarter, Mini-LED momentum for TV will begin in earnest."

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon  

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