Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Presents case of writing an audit report on internal accounting management system
Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Presents case of writing an audit report on internal accounting management system
  • 박효선
  • 승인 2020.09.25 15:39
  • 최종수정 2020.09.25 15:37
  • 댓글 0
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내부회계관리제도 감사조서 서식 목차. 출처=한국공인회계사회
Internal accounting management system audit report form contents. Photo=Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Hyo-sun] Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants(Chairman Kim Young-sik) announced on the 25th that it prepared an 'case of writing an audit report on internal accounting management system' on the 24th and posted it on its website.

The 'case of writing an audit report on internal accounting management system' is the first result of a win-win cooperation project promoted by the Chairman's Win-Win Cooperation Committee Chairman Jang Young-chul, Chairman of the Mid-Size Accounting Corporation Council).

"We have prepared it based on the case of audit documents provided by the Big 4(Samil · Samjong · Hanyoung · Anjin) accounting firms," the KICPA said, adding, "The audit capacity of small and medium-sized auditors has increased, which is expected to improve the audit quality of the entire accounting industry and contribute to the improvement of accounting transparency in Korea."

In order to prepare a case of writing a memorandum for small and medium-sized auditors at the first meeting of the win-win cooperation committee held last month, the Big 4 accounting corporation decided to share the experience of auditing the internal accounting management system of each corporation and the form of report.

"We were concerned about win-win cooperation of the Big 4 accounting firms, but we have taken a great step toward achieving the primary goal of win-win cooperation by establishing and operating a platform to share advanced audit techniques held by the Big 4 accounting firms with small and medium-sized accounting firms," said Kim Young-sik, chairman of the board. "We will upgrade our audit capacity to the top level by actively promoting win-win cooperation projects that support small and medium-sized auditors with relatively poor accounting infrastructure," he emphasized.

Reporter Park Hyo-sun hs1351@infostock.co.kr

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