VINA Tech's public offering price is confirmed at 33,000 won...General subscription from 14th to 15th
VINA Tech's public offering price is confirmed at 33,000 won...General subscription from 14th to 15th
  • 안호현 전문기자
  • 승인 2020.09.11 15:41
  • 최종수정 2020.09.11 15:40
  • 댓글 0
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비나텍 전경, 자료=비나텍 제공
비나텍 전경, 자료=비나텍 제공

[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] VINA Tech, an eco-friendly energy material and parts company, announced on the 11th that it has confirmed the public offering price to 33,000 won as a result of demand forecast for institutional investors.

The government has decided to recruit 600,000 shares, which added 100,000 shares to the existing 500,000 shares. The total amount of public offerings is 19.8 billion won.

The subscription for general investors will be made through Daishin Securities of the host company from the 14th to the 15th. 120,000 shares, or 20% of the total public offering, will be allocated.

The scheduled listing date for the KOSDAQ market is the 23rd.

VINA Tech is researching, developing and mass-producing core materials and parts for energy storage super capacitor and hydrogen fuel cells, the next generation of energy sources.

Reporter An Hoe Hyun

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