Kakao Piccoma, No. 1 in sales of non-game sector app markets in Japan... 12th in the world
Kakao Piccoma, No. 1 in sales of non-game sector app markets in Japan... 12th in the world
  • 박상인
  • 승인 2020.08.10 17:41
  • 최종수정 2020.08.10 17:06
  • 댓글 0
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카카오 CI
Kakao CI

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Sang-In] Kakao's comic app 'Piccoma', which is serviced in Japan, ranked No. 1 in non-game sales on the two major app markets last month. It ranks 12th in the global rankings.

Piccoma has led the Japanese cartoon platform since it launched the service in April 2016. Sales have more than doubled every year since its launch, and transactions in the second quarter of this year have grown 250% year-on-year and 61%, compared to first quarter.

The Japanese comic book market is the world's largest with 5.7 trillion won. Last year, sales in the digital cartoon market reversed the paper cartoon market for the first time. The web cartoon market in Japan is worth 2.51 trillion won, and the app cartoon market is worth about 800 billion won.

Reporter Park Sang-In si2020@infostock.co.kr

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