Naver unveils 'Whale Auto' test results... "Mobility OS possibility confirmed"
Naver unveils 'Whale Auto' test results... "Mobility OS possibility confirmed"
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.27 10:01
  • 최종수정 2021.11.27 00:59
  • 댓글 0
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Naver announced the results of testing its web browser 'Whale' as a platform for vehicles. Naver confirmed Whale's potential as a mobility OS, hinting at the possibility of entering the infotainment platform market for vehicles in the future.

Naver announced the interim results of testing Whale's mobility potential at its developer conference 'DEVIEW 2021' on the 26th.

Choi Hyun-deok, an engineer at "Dream Ace," a software development startup for vehicles that jointly conducted the experiment with Ahn Young-ki, tech leader of the Naver Whale team, was in charge of the presentation.

The two companies have been experimenting together for about a year and developed a vehicle platform called 'Whale Auto' (tentative name) based on Weil's web technology.

네이버 웨일오토가 적용된 차량의 구상안. (사진=네이버 제공)
네이버 웨일오토가 적용된 차량의 구상안. (사진=네이버 제공)

Naver has developed Whale Auto, automotive apps and app stores, while Dream Ace has set up OSs on the main board to operate them and created a vehicle experiment environment.

Naver said, "We have confirmed that Whale Auto is working successfully after developing a whale auto-only app that can actually control in-vehicle seats and air conditioning and experimenting in a standard environment.".

"Whale Auto is still in an experimental stage and will conduct various experiments with various companies up to the commercialization stage, and we will do our best to make Whale OS the underlying technology that provides convenience to users in various device environments," a Naver official said.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun

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