Youngone Trading, Scott's high growth continues...Positive investment perspective (DB Financial Investment)
Youngone Trading, Scott's high growth continues...Positive investment perspective (DB Financial Investment)
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.05.18 10:08
  • 최종수정 2021.05.18 09:58
  • 댓글 0
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사진= 영원무역 홈페이지
사진= 영원무역 홈페이지

DB Financial Investment analyzed Youngone Trade on the 18th, "Scott's sales have increased significantly and are maintaining a high growth trend.". DB Financial Investment maintained its 'buy' opinion on Youngone Trade and raised its target price to 58,000 won.

"First-quarter earnings rose 7% and 46% year-on-year to sales of KRW 568.2 billion and operating profit of KRW 74 billion, respectively," DB Financial Investment said. "Scott's sales rose 19% year-on-year, and OEM sales, excluding Scott, remained similar to the previous year.".

DB Financial Investment also said, "Both the cost ratio and the sales ratio have improved, which is mainly due to the easing of the fixed cost burden caused by Scott's high growth in performance.".

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon  

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