Hyundai Construction Equipment Develops AI Diagnostic Technology with Amazon Web Services
Hyundai Construction Equipment Develops AI Diagnostic Technology with Amazon Web Services
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.05.18 08:42
  • 최종수정 2021.05.17 22:06
  • 댓글 0
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현대건설기계가 출시한 휠굴삭기 HW145.(사진=현대중공업그룹)
현대건설기계가 출시한 휠굴삭기 HW145.(사진=현대중공업그룹)

Hyundai Construction Equipment, a construction equipment affiliate of Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, announced on the 17th that it succeeded in developing artificial intelligence (AI)-based failure diagnosis technology for the first time in Korea with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world's No. 1 cloud computing service company.

Hyundai Construction Equipment plans to transform itself into a comprehensive construction solution company with AI by 2025.

Usually, construction equipment has to endure heavy workload for a long time. Sensors and precursors alone are difficult to detect equipment defects, which often lead to unexpected failures.

Hyundai Construction Equipment has been developing AI-based smart construction equipment with AWS since January last year to improve this.

In February, Hyundai Construction Equipment delivered a machine control excavator capable of semi- autonomous work to its first purchase customer.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun

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