Innowireless expects 4Q earnings surprise (Hana Financial Investment)

2021-11-25     이동훈 기자


Hana Financial Investment maintained its target stock price of 90,000 won and its investment opinion of "buy", saying it is expected to have an earnings surprise in the fourth quarter for InnoWireless.

Hana Financial Investment analyzed, "Considering the small cell order situation, it is likely that there will be a dramatic improvement in performance next year.".

"Negotiations on the supply of small cells with global SI (system integration) companies are expected to serve as an opportunity for further growth next year, and it is likely to become a 5G leader as 5G 28GHz small cells are expected to be supplied around KT next year at the latest," Hana Financial Investment said. "Next year is expected to be the first year of small cell performance," Hana Financial Investment said.

"A large number of export results will be produced in Japan, the U.S., and India, and in Korea, KT 5G small cell sales are expected.".

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon