SK bioscience leaps forward as a global bio platform company (Shinhan Financial Investment)

2021-09-15     이동훈 기자



Shinhan Investment said on the 15th that it is changing from a leading vaccine company in South Korea to a global bio platform company, offering its investment opinion "buy" and target stock price of 350,000 won.

"SK Bioscience is engaged in the development, production and sales of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals based on the largest vaccine research and development (R&D) center in Korea," Shinhan Financial Investment said.

"SK Bioscience completed an L House with a total of nine undiluted Suites in 2012 and signed a contract with Sanofi, a global vaccine company, to jointly develop and export candidates for the next-generation pneumococcal vaccine.".

"Through preemptive investment in L House, we have secured vaccine production facilities that can respond to pandamics, and through this, we have signed an CDMO contract for the COVID-19 vaccine for AstraZeneca and Novavax," Shinhan Financial Investment said. "We expect to continue to benefit in that we have proven production capacity and competitiveness in the vaccine market.".

Shinhan Financial Investment added, "The target price was calculated by adding CDMO business value of 15.1 trillion won, GBP510 pipeline value of 8.2 trillion won, next-generation pneumococcal pipeline value of 1.9 trillion won, and net cash of 1.3 trillion won.".

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon