eBay Korea signed a business partnership agreement with Amore Pacific

2021-02-26     이지선 기자

[Infostock Daily=Reporter Lee Ji-sun] eBay Korea, which operates Gmarket, Auction, and G9, has signed a business partnership agreement with AmorePacific to strengthen its partnership.

eBay Korea announced on the 26th that it held a signing ceremony at AmorePacific headquarters in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the 25th and discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in the future.

eBay Korea has maintained its partnership by introducing AmorePacific's flagship brands such as Sulwhasoo, Iope, Hanyul and O'sulloc through Smile Delivery with the official AmorePacific Brand Pavilion at Gmarket, Auction and G9.

Through this business partnership agreement, they plan to push for all-out cooperation by providing a more convenient online shopping experience to customers and seeking ways to utilize shopping data, focusing on the Smile series, which covers the entire shopping experience, including eBay Korea's logistics delivery platform 'Smile Delivery' and e-commerce's first paid membership service ' Smile Club'.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com