SK Innovation finds ideas to solve environmental problems...Hold a contest
SK Innovation finds ideas to solve environmental problems...Hold a contest
  • 박상인 기자
  • 승인 2020.05.26 16:56
  • 최종수정 2020.05.26 15:45
  • 댓글 0
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contest poster

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Sang-In] SK Innovation will work with the Ministry of Environment to find eco-friendly business items.

SK Innovation and the Ministry of Environment announced on the 26th that they will hold a social business discovery contest in the environmental field with the Korea Social Enterprise Agency and the Exciting Association of the Corporation by the 10th of next month.

The competition is a social venture and social economic enterprise with technology, products, services, etc. to solve environmental problems or with business items that can be commercialized.

The theme of the contest is: ▲ resource circulation to recycle and upcycle waste plastics and waste lubricants ▲ sustainable environment to reduce and treat greenhouse gas, atmospheric gas, and fine dust ▲ sustainable resources for energy efficiency improvement, electricity usage reduction facility technology ▲ battery and mobility related to medium and large battery and future mobility.

The criteria for screening are 'fit' to determine whether the business model is suitable for the purpose of the contest, 'innovativeness' to evaluate the novelty of the idea, and 'sustainability' to verify whether social value can be continuously created.

The application period is until June 10. SK Innovation plans to select up to 20 teams and hold an awards ceremony in July to pay 1.5 million won to each team.

Reporter Park Sang-In

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