Financial Supervisory Service issues ETN · ETF consumer alert linked to crude oil futures from West Texas
Financial Supervisory Service issues ETN · ETF consumer alert linked to crude oil futures from West Texas
  • 최재영
  • 승인 2020.04.23 16:07
  • 최종수정 2020.04.23 16:07
  • 댓글 0
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서울 여의도 금융감독원 본원. 사진= 금융감독원
The Financial Supervisory Service in Yeouido, Seoul. Photo: Financial Supervisory Service

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Lee Kang-wook] The Financial Supervisory Service issued a second consumer alert on the 23rd on listed index securities (ETN) and listed index funds (ETF) products linked to crude oil futures from West Texas.

The rating was given as the highest level, 'danger'.

The Financial Supervisory Service said, "Uncertainty in the West Texas crude oil market has expanded sharply, and the price of crude oil futures-linked products has plummeted and the gap rate has greatly expanded."

The Financial Supervisory Service also said, "In this situation, the market is unstable, and we need to pay special attention to investing in West Texas crude oil futures products.

Reporter Lee Kang-wook

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