Kakao to sell part of Hanjin Kal stake
Kakao to sell part of Hanjin Kal stake
  • 송정훈 전문기자
  • 승인 2020.03.16 15:52
  • 최종수정 2020.03.16 15:52
  • 댓글 0
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한진 칼 로고.
 Hanjin Kal Rogo

[Infostock Daily= reporter Song Jeong-hoon] Kakao has disposed of some of its non-core assets, including Hanjin Kal, ahead of the Hanjin Kal shareholders' meeting on the 27th.

A Kakao official said on the 16th, "We sold several non-core assets in order to preemptively respond to the global spread of Corona 19 and the uncertainty of the financial market."

Kakao bought about 1% of Hanjin Kal at the end of last year, and it was reported that it had a stake in Hanjin Kal, which is close to 2%,

Although Kakao did not disclose details of the sale, it is analyzed that Kakao has become somewhat disadvantageous in the current management position ahead of the general shareholders' meeting on the 27th, as it was known as the "

Reporter Song Jeong-hoon boxr@infostock.co.kr

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