금융결제원, 아르메이나에 지급결제 인프라 수출 양해각서 체결
금융결제원, 아르메이나에 지급결제 인프라 수출 양해각서 체결
  • 이강욱 전문기자
  • 승인 2019.11.20 12:25
  • 최종수정 2019.11.20 12:25
  • 댓글 0
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금융결제원과 정보통신산업진흥원, 아르메니아 중앙은행, STAK Money Transfer CJSC 임직원이 MOU체결 후 기념 촬영을 하고 있다. 사진= 금융결제원 

[인포스탁데일리=이강욱 전문기자] 금융결제원과 정보통신산업진흥원은 19일(현지시간) 아르메니아 중앙은행과 지급결제기관인 STAK Money Transfer CJSC와 아르메니아 지급결제 인프라 수출 기반 마련을 위한 4자간 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 20일 밝혔다.

이번 협약식에 따라 4개 기관은 아르메니아 지급결제 인프라 발전을 위한 상호협력 관계 구축과 2019년도 아르메니아 실시간 자금이체시스템과 e-머니스위치 시스템(선불전자지급수단 중계시스템) 구축을 위한 사전타당성 조사 결과를 바탕으로 한 추진 계획에 상호 협의하기로 했다.

금융결제원은 2013년부터 아르메니아 중앙은행과 다양한 협력 사업을 진행해왔다. 2013년에는 정보통신산업지흥원 지원으로 지급결제 현대화 사전 타당성 조사를 실시했고 2015년에는 KSP 시스템컨설팅 지급결제시스템 구축을 지원헀다. 2016년부터 2017년까지 아르메니아 해외송금시스템을 구축했다.

금융결제원은 앞서 정부의 금융시장 인프라 수출 정책을 확대하기 위해 베트남, 캄보디아 등에 한국형 지급결제 시스템을 구축해왔다.

금융결제원 관계자는 “이번 양해각서 체결을 계기로 신북방 대상지역인 중앙아시아로 한국형 지급결제 인프라 수출에도 박차 가할 예정”이라며 “최근 성공적으로 시범서비스를 실시한 오픈뱅킹 시스템을 비롯해 금융결제원의 다양한 결제서비스의 수출을 확대를 위한 교두보가 될 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다.


이강욱 전문기자 gaguzi@naver.com

KFTC signs MOU on Armenia’s Payments Infrastructure Advancement

Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute (KFTC) and National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) signed a four-party Memorandum of Understanding on enhancing Armenia’s payments infrastructure with the Central Bank of Armenia and its affiliated payments institution, STAK Money Transfer CJSC, (hereinafter “STAK”) and agreed to deepen mutual cooperation today (November 19, Tue).

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding was aimed at enhancing Armenia’s payments infrastructure based on four-party cooperation. The MOU can be summarized as follows:

△ The parties will develop a cooperative relationship to support the development of financial system in Armenia.

△ The parties will discuss and communicate on the next implementation plan for the fast payment system and e-money switch in Armenia based on the result of the feasibility study;

The signing of an MOU is an example of ongoing cooperation between KFTC and the Central Bank of Armenia to improve the Armenian payments infrastructure since 2013. It is expected to be a bedrock of further cooperation in building the Armenian fast payment system and e-money switch system.

* Starting with the preliminary feasibility study (June 2013 ~ November 2013) executed with the help from NIPA, KFTC has been conducting Knowledge Sharing Program (July 2015 ~ January 2016), cross-border remittance system implementation project (June 2016 ~ May 2017), etc.

NIPA has provided overall support for the project including preliminary feasibility studies in 2013 and this year, which facilitated KFTC’s implementation of cross-border remittance system and establishment of long-term cooperation with Armenia.

Beginning with building the Vietnamese Central Bank’s payments system in 2001, KFTC has performed multiple advisory services for developing countries, such as Sri Lanka, Laos, Egypt, Moldova, Mongolia, etc. With the signing of the MOU, the institution will redouble its efforts to export Korea’s payments infrastructure.

KFTC has built Korea’s payments system in Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. as the government’s drive to export financial market infrastructure. The signing of MOU will help the institution to step up its effort to make inroads into Cental Asia aligning with New Northern Policy.

The signing of MOU is expected to serve as a stepping stone for KFTC to increase its export items, including, but not limited to Korea’s latest open banking system, which has successfully been pilot-tested.

KFTC is Korea’s leading payments and settlement institution.

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