휴젤, 3Q 영업이익 전년동기대비 255% 상승
휴젤, 3Q 영업이익 전년동기대비 255% 상승
  • 송정훈 전문기자
  • 승인 2019.11.12 11:05
  • 최종수정 2019.11.12 11:05
  • 댓글 0
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표= 금융감독원 전자공시
표= 금융감독원 전자공시

[인포스탁데일리=송정훈 전문기자] 휴젤은 3분기 연결기준으로 잠정 영업이익이 전년동기 대비 255% 증가한 182억원을 시현했다고 12일 공시했다.

매출은 전년동기대비 46.4% 늘어난 511억4200만원을 기록했다. 영업이익률은 전분기와 비교해 3.9%포인트 상승한 35.6%를 나타냈다.

이번 실적은 보툴리눔톡신제재와 HA필러 등이 고성정한 덕분이라고 회사측은 설명했다. 국내외 시장에서 두 제품의 시장점유율은 53%에 달한다.

휴젤의 보툴리눔톡신제제인 보툴렉스와 HA필러 더채움은 시장점유율 1위를 기록하고 있다. 보툴렉스는 전년동기대비 33.4% 증가한 158억원의 매출을 올렸다. 같은 기간 더 채움은 49억원의 매출을 기록했다.

휴젤은 해외시장에서도 높은 실적을 기록하는 중이다. 1분기 보툴렉스 수출은 전년동기대비 107.9%늘었다. 현재 27개국에서 판매 중이다.

향후 실적도 긍정적이다. 내년 상반기 톡신 제품이 중국에서 시장 판매 허가를 받을 것으로 예상되며 미국과 유럽에서 순차적으로 최종 승인을 받을 것으로 휴젤은 기대하고 있다.

휴젤은 “전략적인 마케팅 활동을 통해 보툴렉스 등 대표 제품은 다양한 사업분야에서 꾸준한 성장을 계속하고 있다”며 “앞으로 꾸준한 연구개발을 통해 세계시장 점유율을 확대하고 제품 경쟁력도 높일 것”이라고 말했다.


송정훈 전문기자 boxr@infostock.co.kr


botulinum toxin and HA filler business continues to deliver solid growth in both domestic and overseas markets.

Hugel, a global total medical aesthetics company, today reported its 3Q 2019 financial results, posting revenue of KRW51.1bn, operating profit of KRW18.2bn and net profit of KRW12.1bn.

Revenue and operating profit both significantly increased by 46.4% YoY and 255% YoY, respectively. Operating profit margin improved by 3.9%p QoQ to 35.6%.

The company attributed its achievements to the high growth of botulinum toxin and HA filler. Revenue of both products were up approximately 53% YoY led by continued market share expansion in domestic and overseas markets.

In particular, Hugel gained no. 1 market share for both botulinum toxin ‘Botulax’ and HA filler ‘The Chaeum(Dermalax)’ products, positioning as Korea's representative medical aesthetics company. Botulax further strengthened its leading position in the market as revenue increased 33.4% YoY to KRW15.8bn, sustaining its no. 1 market share for three consecutive years. HA filler revenue more than doubled YoY to KRW4.9bn driven by differentiated product quality and product portfolio expansion with the launch of premium line-up ‘The Chaeum Style’ in March.

Hugel achieved positive results also in overseas markets. Botulax export revenue in 3Q expanded by 107.9% YoY led by increasing sales to Asian countries. Botulax is currently available in 27 countries. Moreover, HA filler exports in 3Q grew 40.6% YoY as it gained positive feedback from UK and other EU countries based on proactive marketing activities. In addition, Hugel’s cosmetic brand ‘Wellage’, also saw a slight YoY increase in revenue as its best-selling products gained continued positive response from the market.

The future outlook is also bright. Hugel expects to obtain final approval in China for its toxin product in 1H20 and enter EU and the US market, sequentially. Moreover, Botulax is expected to obtain an additional indication for crow’s feet lines in the domestic market in 2H. Hugel plans to expand indications in both aesthetic and therapeutic space. For HA fillers, in addition to the fast-growing UK market, Hugel plans to accelerate its market penetration in other major EU markets such as Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.

“Based on strategic marketing activities, Hugel continues to deliver steady revenue growth in various business areas including its representative product, Botulax,” said the company official. “As the no. 1 company in the domestic toxin and HA filler market, we will focus on strengthening our product competitiveness through steady R&D and expanding global market share.”


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