Hanon Systems expects a surge in the proportion of electric vehicle parts next year (EBEST Investment & Securities)
Hanon Systems expects a surge in the proportion of electric vehicle parts next year (EBEST Investment & Securities)
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.23 06:35
  • 최종수정 2021.11.23 02:38
  • 댓글 0
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한온시스템 CI.
한온시스템 CI.

eBest Investment & Securities maintained its target stock price of KRW 18,000 and investment opinion "buy", saying it expects Hanon System to surge to 27% of electric vehicle parts next year.

"Electric vehicle parts, the driver of key sales growth, have been on a sideways trend since hitting 22 percent last year, but they are expected to soar to 27 percent next year and serve as a clear sales growth engine," said Ebest Investment & Securities.

"Sales of Volkswagen, currently a key electric vehicle customer, are expected to develop into a major growth engine in the process of accelerating the launch of the new ID series, which is at the core of the "ID1" (Universal Platform for Electric Vehicles) platform," said Ebest Investment & Securities. "The launch of ID4, a volume model, is expected to accelerate production expansion in the U.S. next year, and the proportion of electric vehicle parts is expected to soar to 29% in the second half of this year.".

"The loss of profits from damage to the supply chain is in a gradual recovery section at a low point in the third quarter, and global OEMs' electricization strategy is especially strengthening recently," said Ebest Investment & Securities Co. "Expectations for the sale, which has been reflected, will continue at a time when it is difficult to find a replacement for the time being.".

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon usinvestmentidea2020@gmail.com

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