Hyundai Motor Cooperates with Incheon Airport, Hyundai E&C, KT and Korean Air for UAM business
Hyundai Motor Cooperates with Incheon Airport, Hyundai E&C, KT and Korean Air for UAM business
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.17 08:39
  • 최종수정 2021.11.16 19:39
  • 댓글 0
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사진=인천시 제공
사진=인천시 제공

Hyundai Motor is speeding up efforts to revitalize the nation's urban aviation mobility (UAM) industry.

Hyundai Motor, along with Incheon International Airport Corp., Hyundai Engineering & Construction, KT and Korean Air, held a business agreement ceremony at the Paradise City Hotel in Incheon on the 16th and said it will cooperate in the successful realization of local UAM, building an ecosystem and revitalizing the industry.

현대자동차 CI. (제공: 현대차)
현대자동차 CI. (제공: 현대차)

Hyundai Motor explained that the agreement is meaningful in that it has expanded to a consortium that encompasses the entire UAM ecosystem by newly participating in Hyundai Motor Co., Incheon International Airport Corp., Hyundai E&C, and KT partnership signed in September last year.

항공업 인수합병 시장이 교착상태에 빠지면서 정부 주도의 UAM을 결합한 시장 확대 가능성이 거론된다. 사진은 현대자동차가 제시한 UAM 모빌리티 솔루션. 사진=현대자동차 저널 홈페이지
항공업 인수합병 시장이 교착상태에 빠지면서 정부 주도의 UAM을 결합한 시장 확대 가능성이 거론된다. 사진은 현대자동차가 제시한 UAM 모빌리티 솔루션. 사진=현대자동차 저널 홈페이지

The UAM market is expected to grow to 730 trillion won worldwide by 2040, including 13 trillion won in Korea.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun

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