KAI contracts to supply 120 billion worth of aircraft structures to Boeing.
KAI contracts to supply 120 billion worth of aircraft structures to Boeing.
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.17 08:39
  • 최종수정 2021.11.16 18:58
  • 댓글 0
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한국항공우주산업(KAI) CI.
한국항공우주산업(KAI) CI.

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced on the 16th that it signed a contract with Boeing on the 12th to supply 120 billion won worth of B787 Dreamliner aircraft structures.

The contract item is a component that goes into the Nacell, where the B787 engine and wings are bonded, and a total of 24 parts and assemblers are manufactured and delivered to Boeing.

보잉 787 드림라이너, 사진=보잉홈페이지
보잉 787 드림라이너, 사진=보잉홈페이지

The business period is five years from January 2023 and is worth 120 billion won.

The contract structure utilizes titanium materials, which are rigid material, considering the weight of the engine.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a 250-350-seat two-wheeled aircraft and is the first civilian aircraft to use a carbon fiber composite as its main material instead of conventional aluminum to improve fuel efficiency.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com

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