POSCO International & Hankock Energy is seeking to jointly acquire Australia's "Senex Energy."
POSCO International & Hankock Energy is seeking to jointly acquire Australia's "Senex Energy."
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.09 08:51
  • 최종수정 2021.11.09 00:49
  • 댓글 0
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포스코인터내셔널 CI.
포스코인터내셔널 CI.

POSCO International, which is seeking to acquire Australia's Senex Energy, will join hands with Australia's local company Hancock Energy.

POSCO International said on the 8th that it is in exclusive negotiations to acquire a stake in Australia's Senex Energy and has extended the right to negotiate until the 26th.

사진=세넥스에너지 홈페이지
사진=세넥스에너지 홈페이지

It is also working with Hancock, Australia's leading mining company, to jointly acquire the company.

Senex is an Australian energy company that exports liquefied natural gas (LNG) and is listed on ASX, a local stock market. Senex Energy is selling all of its crude oil-related businesses this year and restructuring its business around its gas business.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com

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