KAI, T-50IQ related education and training contract with Iraq ... 426.7 billion won
KAI, T-50IQ related education and training contract with Iraq ... 426.7 billion won
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.11.08 10:18
  • 최종수정 2021.11.08 10:13
  • 댓글 0
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한국항공우주산업(KAI) CI.
한국항공우주산업(KAI) CI.

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) made an announcement on the 8th that it has signed a contract with the Iraqi Air Force for a T-50IQ CLS (contractor's military support) and education and training project worth 426.7 billion won.

This is 15.1% of last year's sales. The contract period is until December 31, 2024.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com

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