Genome & Company enters CDMO business... Acquisition of a US microbiome company
Genome & Company enters CDMO business... Acquisition of a US microbiome company
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.09.09 07:38
  • 최종수정 2021.09.08 23:45
  • 댓글 0
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지놈앤컴퍼니 CI
지놈앤컴퍼니 CI

Genome & Company will enter the CMO business by acquiring management rights of List Biological Laboratories, a US Microbiome CDMO (Consignment Development and Production) company.

Genome & Company held an online meeting on the 8th and announced that it will become a fully integrated pharmaceutical company (FIPCO) capable of both research and development and production.

Genome & Company decided to acquire 60% (960,000 6,502 shares) of List Lab for 31.2 billion won.

A company official said, "The acquisition amount is 31.2 billion won, and Genome & Company has 93 billion won in cash on a semi-annual basis.".

Genome & Company plans to produce some of its microbiome new drugs in List Lab while maintaining independent operation of List Lab.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun

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