Hotel Shilla expects to benefit from recovery in travel demand... Target price is raised (Kiwoom Securities)
Hotel Shilla expects to benefit from recovery in travel demand... Target price is raised (Kiwoom Securities)
  • 이동훈 기자
  • 승인 2021.06.24 11:16
  • 최종수정 2021.06.24 11:16
  • 댓글 0
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호텔신라 CI
호텔신라 CI

Kiwoom Securities said on the 24th that Hotel Shilla is expected to benefit from the recovery of travel demand.

Kiwoom Securities maintained its investment opinion 'buy' and raised its target stock price to 125,000 won.

As for Hotel Shilla's Q2 2021 earnings forecast, it presented consolidated sales and operating profit of 874.2 billion won and 49.6 billion won, respectively, and expected to exceed the market consensus.

Kiwoom Securities analyzed, "Company-wide sales and profitability are expected to improve significantly QoQ due to the recovery of demand for Chinese peddlers and an increase in domestic demand for lodging."

Kiwoom Securities judged, "Hotel Shilla is expected to have a very strong operating leverage effect from sales recovery in a phase where travel demand normalizes after vaccination."

Reporter Lee Dong-hoon

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