'Hyosung airbag' in Amazon autonomous car
'Hyosung airbag' in Amazon autonomous car
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.03.17 06:35
  • 최종수정 2021.03.17 02:43
  • 댓글 0
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사진=효성첨단소재 CI.
사진=효성첨단소재 CI.

[Infostock Daily=Reporter Lee Ji-sun] Hyosung Advanced Materials supplies airbags to Amazon's fully autonomous vehicle, "Robo Taxi.".

Hyosung Advanced Materials is the first in the world to supply airbags to Amazon's fully autonomous vehicles.

Hyosung Advanced Materials announced on the 16th that it has signed a contract with Amazon's self-driving car startup Juks to supply next-generation OPW airbags from next year.

The Robo Taxi, unveiled by Amazon in December last year, is the first fully autonomous vehicle, with a box-shaped body. The interior space layout is completely different from the existing vehicle.

For this reason, Hyosung Advanced Materials explains that the airbags of autonomous vehicles also need a completely different design from existing airbags.

GST Global's airbags are mounted on four seats facing each other.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com

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