FSS failed again to finalize sanctions on NH Investment and Hana Bank for Optimus Funds scandal
FSS failed again to finalize sanctions on NH Investment and Hana Bank for Optimus Funds scandal
  • 이지선 기자
  • 승인 2021.03.05 08:53
  • 최종수정 2021.03.05 08:35
  • 댓글 0
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금융감독원. 사진=인포스탁데일리DB
금융감독원. 사진=인포스탁데일리DB

[Infostock Daily=Reporter Lee Ji-sun] A sanctions review committee was held for NH Investment & Securities Co. and Hana Bank in connection with the Optimus crisis. But it failed to reach conclusion again.

The Financial Supervisory Service held a sanctions review on the afternoon of the 4th and reviewed the results of a sector inspection of NH Investment & Securities and Hana Bank in connection with the suspension of Optimus Fund repurchase.

The Financial Supervisory Service held a sanctions hearing on the 19th of last month to discuss the issue, but failed to reach a conclusion.

Early last month, the Financial Supervisory Service notified NH Investment & Securities Co., the largest seller of Optimus Funds, Hana Bank of trustees and the Korea Securities Depository of disciplinary measures.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@gmail.com


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