Pearl Abyss, New game 'Crimson Desert' momentum...Target stock price increase(eBEST Investment & Securities)
Pearl Abyss, New game 'Crimson Desert' momentum...Target stock price increase(eBEST Investment & Securities)
  • 안호현 전문기자
  • 승인 2021.01.22 16:30
  • 최종수정 2021.01.22 16:13
  • 댓글 0
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펄어비스 CI
Pearl Abyss CI

[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] eBEST Investment & Securities said on Pearl Abyss on the 22nd that its new game 'Crimson Desert' is receiving favorable reviews at game shows and is expected to increase profits in the future by serving 'Black Desert' directly in North America and Europe starting in February. However, judging that the momentum can only be expected in the fourth quarter, the company raised its target stock price to 280,000 won, 27% higher than the previous(220,000 won), but maintained its investment opinion as 'Hold'.

eBEST estimated that Pearl Abyss' consolidated operating profit in the fourth quarter of last year was 29.5 billion won, down 18% from a year earlier. "The operating profit will be somewhat sluggish due to increased labor costs such as one-time severance pay and marketing costs," the company assessed.

The new game 'Crimson Desert', which is scheduled to be launched in the fourth quarter of this year, is said to be worth maintaining expectations as it has received favorable reviews at the North American Game Show(TGA). Pearl Abyss released 'Crimson Desert' on TGA on December 10 last year, with more than 3 million views on YouTube in less than a week.

"The battlefield of Pearl Abyss will take place in the fourth quarter of this year or the first quarter of next year," the company explained, adding, "Until then, it has to go through the lack of new work and performance momentum."

Reporter An Hoe Hyun

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