SKT Approves 'Mobility Business Division'
SKT Approves 'Mobility Business Division'
  • 박정도
  • 승인 2020.11.26 13:21
  • 최종수정 2020.11.26 11:57
  • 댓글 0
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[Infostock Daily=Reporter Park Jeong-do] SK Telecom announced that 'the approval of the mobility division split plan'was passed at the extraordinary shareholders' meeting held at Supex Hall, headquarter in Eulji-ro, Seoul at 10 a.m. on the 26th.

The approval of the split plan was finally passed with 99.98% of the total number of shares present, with 81.64% of the total number of voting rights participating in the vote. With the approval of the shareholders'meeting, "T Map Mobility," a new corporation, will be launched on the 29th of next month.

On this day, SKT President Park Jung-ho and T-Map Mobility Director Lee Jong-ho introduced the meaning and vision of mobility business to shareholders through a presentation.

"Transportation is the most expensive other than food and housing, and mobility is the one that takes up the most after mobile in our daily lives," CEO Park said. "With the ICT of SKT, we have launched a mobility company to innovate the movement of people and objects and create a new wind in the mobility ecosystem.".

Reporter Park Jeong-do


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