LG Household & Health Care, Achieves sales of 2.0706 trillion won in the third quarter…Operating profit of 327.6 billion won
LG Household & Health Care, Achieves sales of 2.0706 trillion won in the third quarter…Operating profit of 327.6 billion won
  • 안호현 전문기자
  • 승인 2020.10.23 06:32
  • 최종수정 2020.10.22 16:06
  • 댓글 0
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서울 종로 신문로 LG광화문 빌딩 전경. 사진= LG생활건강
A panoramic view of the LG Gwangwhamun building in Shinmun-ro, Jongno, Seoul. Photo=LG Household & Health Care

[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] LG Household & Health Care announced on the 22nd that it achieved sales of 2.0706 trillion won in the third quarter of 2020, up 5.4% year-on-year. Operating profit rose 5.1% to 327.6 billion won and net profit rose 6.7% to 231.7 billion won.

Beauty business achieved sales of 1.1438 trillion won and operating profit of 197.7 billion won in the third quarter. The figure fell 1.5% and 6.7%, respectively, compared to the same period last year.

HDB(Home Care & Daily Beauty) business achieved sales of 508.8 billion won and operating profit of 66.8 billion won in the third quarter. It is an increase of 26.8% and 47.9%, respectively, compared to the same period last year.

Refreshment business posted sales of 418 billion won and operating profit of 63.2 billion won in the third quarter, up 3.8% and 15.1%, respectively, from a year earlier.

Despite the difficult business environment due to COVID-19, the longest rainy season in the history and frequent typhoons, the company continued its sales growth due to strengthening the product lineup of major brands such as 'Coca-Cola', 'Monster Energy' and 'Seagram' and good performance in online and delivery channels.

Reporter An Hoe Hyun ahh@infostock.co.kr


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