Domestic traffic on NetflixㆍYouTube is 70%...3 times as many as NaverㆍKakao
Domestic traffic on NetflixㆍYouTube is 70%...3 times as many as NaverㆍKakao
  • 안호현 전문기자
  • 승인 2020.09.24 17:07
  • 최종수정 2020.09.24 17:07
  • 댓글 0
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[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] Recently, the National Assembly raised the opinion that overseas CPs(content providers) such as Google, which are causing traffic surge, need to pay a legitimate network price for the controversy over reverse discrimination of domestic CPs on network use price.

According to data received by Vice Chairman Kim Sang-hee(National Assembly Science, Technology, Broadcasting and Communications Commission) from the Ministry of Science and ICT, more than 70% of the recent surge in domestic traffic was due to overseas CPs such as Google YouTube and Netflix.

"The traffic generation in the last five years has risen nearly three times from 2,740,242 terabytes(TB) in 2016 to 7,431,342TB(a monthly average traffic as of July 2020×12 months, estimated figure) as of the end of 2020," Vice Chairman Kim said, adding, "If this trend is the end of this year, it will record the highest traffic generation ever, which is close to 7.4 million TB."

According to the average daily traffic data of the second quarter of this year, which was submitted by the Ministry of Science and ICT from the three companies, domestic CPs such as Naver and Kakao accounted for 26.8% of the top 10 traffic generation companies, while overseas CPs such as Google accounted for 73.1%, which accounted for about two to three times the proportion of domestic CPs.

"The domestic CPs, such as Naver and Kakao, are cooperating with stable network use by paying several tens of billion won a year to ISP(Internet Service Provider)," Kim pointed out, adding, "However, overseas CPs such as Google YouTube and Netflix, which account for a significant portion of the soaring traffic, are ignoring network use prices."

Kim said, "Although the Enforcement Decree of the Telecommunications Business Act has recently been announced, it is not enough to impose sanctions on overseas CPs such as Google and Netflix in case of violating network stability obligations. This is a pattern of shackling major domestic CPs such as Naver to resolve reverse discrimination against domestic CPs."

Finally, Kim said, "The traffic is increasing significantly due to the corona situation. As it is important to manage the network quality stably, the upcoming audit will be a place to seek equity between domestic and foreign CPs."

Reporter An Hoe Hyun


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