SK Telecom, Develops 'two-way remote instruction service' based on video call MeetUs
SK Telecom, Develops 'two-way remote instruction service' based on video call MeetUs
  • 박상인
  • 승인 2020.09.21 16:47
  • 최종수정 2020.09.21 16:25
  • 댓글 0
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SK텔레콤은 자사의 5G∙AI기술을 활용, 그룹 영상통화 서비스 ‘미더스(MeetUs)’를 기반으로 한 양방향 원격수업 서비스 개발에 착수한다고 21일 밝혔다. [사진=SK텔레콤]
SK Telecom made an announcement on the 21st that it will start developing two-way remote class service based on 'MeetUs', which is a group video call service by utilizing its 5G∙AI technology. [Photo=SK Telecom]

[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Sang-In] SK Telecom announced on the 21st that it will develop a two-way remote class service based on its group video call service 'MeetUs'.

The service development will be promoted in the form of SK Telecom and the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education participating in the '5G Advanced Technology and Convergence Service Public Sector Leading Project' of the National Information Society Agency(NIA).

SK Telecom will develop services by the end of this year and will provide two-way remote instruction services to about 200,000 students from 312 elementaryㆍmiddleㆍhigh schools in Gwangju from the first semester of next year with the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education.

SK Telecom will provide enhanced communication between teachers and students through high-quality video call, video and voice recognition technology by utilizing its 5G and AI technologies in MeetUs based two-way remote class service.

Reporter Park Sang-In

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