Hanwha System switches to non-face-to-face 'Smart Work' system
Hanwha System switches to non-face-to-face 'Smart Work' system
  • 박정도
  • 승인 2020.09.21 13:49
  • 최종수정 2020.09.21 13:30
  • 댓글 0
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[Infostock Daily=Reporter Park Jeong-Do] The Hanwha System ICT division has been the first among Hanwha Group affiliates to switch to a smart work system since the 21st, with a remote work system that allows people to work anywhere while minimizing the concentration of people.

As a result, employees of Hanwha System ICT division can freely choose to work at Yeouido workplace, base office or home office four times a week. All teams go to work only once a week for offline work.

Based on the results of the survey of employees' address and preferred areas, the Hanwha System ICT division added additional offices to the Janggyo-dong, Shinseo-dong, Bulgwang-dong and Pangyo. The base office has a general work space, a reading room-type space specialized according to the work personality, a conference room equipped with video conferencing equipment and a TV monitor.

Hanwha System introduced a smart work system to change the face-to-face working environment and method to untact (non-face-to-face) and digital base. In the future, we plan to support sharing of work contents and progress through in-house intranet. We also strengthened the video conferencing function and laid the foundation for continuous communication with team members even when working remotely.

Previously, the Hanwha System ICT division has been removing wired phones and conducting autonomous seating since 2015, and has built a work environment for internal and external smart work such as video conferencing using in-house messengers and mobile intranets.

Reporter Park Jeong-Do newface0301@naver.com




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