Korean Airlines "Seoul Metropolitan Government, Songhyun-dong site sale should not be interrupted"
Korean Airlines "Seoul Metropolitan Government, Songhyun-dong site sale should not be interrupted"
  • 안호현 전문기자
  • 승인 2020.08.28 18:21
  • 최종수정 2020.08.28 16:02
  • 댓글 0
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대한항공 소유 송현동 부지. 사진=다음 지도 캡쳐
The site of Songhyeon-dong owned by Korean Airlines. Photo=Capture from Daum map 

[Infostock Daily= Reporter An Hoe Hyun] Korean Airlines criticized the Seoul Metropolitan Government for promoting the designation of Songhyeon-dong site cultural park. Korean Airlines claims that it is a factually illegal 'nail house' that prevents the actual sale of the property of Songhyeon-dong, a private property.

Korean Airlines released a press release on the 28th and stressed, "The Seoul Metropolitan Government is trying to secure the Songhyeon-dong site by designating it as a cultural park first without securing detailed facility plans or budgets. Please stop any act that interferes with private sale."

Korean Airlines submitted a statement of its position to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission on the 25th. Korean Airlines expressed its position and submitted a letter of opinion to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission because the Seoul Metropolitan Government has not budged from its intention to designate Songhyeon-dong site as a cultural park even after the National Civil Rights Commission's complaint and the first meeting of officials.

Korean Airlines believes that the Seoul Metropolitan Government's plan to revise the urban management plan is likely to have violated the National Territory Planning Act because the minimum feasibility or enforceability is not guaranteed under the current circumstances, which has yet to confirm the specific plan and whether the payment can be made.

The criteria or requirements for drafting an urban management plan are set in accordance with the National Territory Planning Act. In particular, Article 19 of the Enforcement Decree of the National Territory Planning Act states that "urban and military planning facilities should be decided at an appropriate level in consideration of their ability to execute and that plans should be formulated in consideration of the feasibility of the project."

In addition, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has publicly stated that payment through valusation will not be available until late 2021 or early 2022. Given this, Korean Airlines claims that the Seoul Metropolitan Government's current move to force the designation of Songhyeon-dong site as a cultural park is proof that it is pushing ahead with excessive drafting only for the preoccupation of the site.

Korean Airlines believes that there is also a problem with the Seoul Metropolitan Government's handling of the plan, which goes against the plan, despite the implementation of the urban park release system for long-term neglected urban parks with only the decision on urban planning facilities since July this year.

Considering this, Korean Airlines emphasized that the Seoul Metropolitan Government should withdraw its plan to designate a cultural park on the site of Songhyeon-dong, a private property of a company, and that it should not interfere with the process of selling it to other private buyers within the year.

Reporter An Hoe Hyun ahh@infostock.co.kr

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