LGU+, Establish 'AI Access System' at H+ Yangji Hospital...Secondary infection block
LGU+, Establish 'AI Access System' at H+ Yangji Hospital...Secondary infection block
  • 박상인
  • 승인 2020.08.03 18:48
  • 최종수정 2020.08.03 18:48
  • 댓글 0
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LG유플러스RK 30일 서울 용산구 LG유플러스 본사에서 기자간담회를 열고 휴대폰 구매-개통-고객혜택 등 전 비대면 유통채널을 강화하는 디지털 혁신방안을 발표했다. (제공: LG유플러스)
제공: LG유플러스


[Infostock Daily= Reporter Park Sang-In] This is the first time that a domestic general hospital has introduced a non-face-to-face and non-contact access environment based on artificial intelligence(AI).

This system is a technology that determines whether visitors, patients, and workers can enter the hospital door through 'Intelligent Image Analysis Solution' equipped with AI. The access allowable whether or not is rapidly determined through the body temperature sensing of the man passing through door, the mask wearing whether or not confirmation, the face recognition etc.

The most important feature of this system is that it can block secondary infections in hospitals, including COVID19. The image analysis solution detects high-risk people with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees or more and unmasked users to automatically control their positions. There is non face-to-face procedure in every process, so it is safe.

The effect of reducing the waiting time for hospital visitors is also great. In fact, during the demonstration period of the intelligent visitor management system conducted last month, the time required to enter the hospital was shortened by more than 80% compared to the previous month. AI was tested for opening in 0.2 seconds, and access was carried out without congestion even in the main time zone where visitors were crowded.

LG U + explains that it has strengths in terms of security and efficiency. AI-based deep learning algorithm has a face identification rate of more than 99%, and it is impossible to operate access using photographs and videos with biometric detection support. In addition, the non-contact body temperature measurement is more convenient and efficient for manpower operation. The error range of the measurement value is 0.3 degrees lower than the contact measurement, making it easy to use the site.

Reporter Park Sang-In si2020@infostock.co.kr

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