Raphas, Acquires U.S. patents on manufacturing microneedles
Raphas, Acquires U.S. patents on manufacturing microneedles
  • 김종효
  • 승인 2020.07.13 20:28
  • 최종수정 2020.07.13 20:40
  • 댓글 0
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[Infostock Daily = Reporter Kim Jong Hyo]

라파스 홈페이지

Raphas(214260) announced on the 13th that it obtained a U.S. patent related to a microneedle(fine needle) manufacturing device.

This is an improved patent that adds claims to prevent infringement of other intellectual property rights by embodying essential components for manufacturing microneedles.

"We will use the patent to protect the intellectual property rights of microneedle patch manufacturing technology and products made using it," the company said.

Reporter Kim Jong Hyo kei1000@infostock.com

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